Lightning Soccer Directions 2010

Directions to our sites!

  • Curry College, Milton, MA
  • The Pingree School, South Hamilton, MA
  • Shore Country Day School, Beverly, MA
  • Tufts University, Medford, MA
  • Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
For campers flying to Curry ….TAXI:
about $30, Boston Licensed Taxi Companies:
Boston Cab (617) 536-5010, City Cab (617) 536-5100,
Metro Cab (617) 782-5500, Town Taxi (617) 536-5000
$68, phone number 617-776-0099
DirectionsMilton Campus
1071 Blue Hill Avenue
Milton, MA 02186
(617) 333-2364

From Logan Airport:
Follow directions below from Boston/Route 93 South.

From Boston:
Proceed South on the Expressway (Route 93 South). Take exit 2B onto Route 138 North (Blue Hill Avenue). Proceed north on Route 138 for 2 1/2 miles (through three traffic lights). The College entrance is on the left.

From Cape Cod:
Take Route 3 North to Route 93 South. Take exit 2B onto Route 138 North (Blue Hill Avenue). Proceed north on Route 138 for 2 1/2 miles (through three traffic lights). The College entrance is on the left.

From the Mass. Pike:
Take Exit 14 (Route 128/95 South). Follow to Exit 12 (Route 93 North). Take exit 2B onto Route 138 North (Blue Hill Avenue). Proceed north on Route 138 for 2 1/2 miles (through three traffic lights). The College entrance is on the left.

From Providence, R.I.:
Take Route 95 North to Exit 12 (Route 93 North). Take exit 2B onto Route 138 North (Blue Hill Avenue). Proceed north on Route 138 for 2 1/2 miles (through three traffic lights). The College entrance is on the left.

From Route 24 (Taunton/Fall River):
Take Route 24 North to Exit 21B (Route 93 South). Take exit 2B onto Route 138 North (Blue Hill Avenue). Proceed north on Route 138 for 2 1/2 miles (through three traffic lights). The College entrance is on the left.[top]

From Route 95 Take 95 North to 128 North toward Gloucester.
Take exit 20A to Route 1A North. Proceed 2.5 miles north toward Hamilton. Turn left on Arbor Street, marked by a large white Congregational Church. Arbor Street becomes Highland Street at a yellow blinking light. The main entrance to the School is the 2nd driveway on the right, one mile from the blinking light.

From Route 1 Turn east on Ipswich Road at the traffic light and the sign for Bradley Palmer State Park. After 3.5 miles, turn right on Mill Road. Go 2.5 miles, and the School’s main gate is on the left. [top]

From north or south The School’s campus is conveniently located on Route 1A (Cabot Street) in
Beverly, just one half mile south of Route 128 (exit 20B). [top]
From the southwest,west and northwest Via Rtes 2,9, I-95 or the Mass Turnpike (Rte 90) ,exit onto Rte 128 (I-95) north and proceed to exit 29A (Rte 2). Proceed east on Rte 2; turn left onto Rte 16 (Alewife Brook Parkway). Follow Rte 16 through 2 full traffic lights. Take the next right, a sharp turn, onto Powder House Blvd to the rotary at the end. Turn left onto College Ave. Follow to major intersection . Cross over railroad bridge. Fields and parking on left. [top]
From Boston, the south and south shore Take Rte 3 northto I-93 north to exit 31 (Mystic Valley Pkwy, Rte 16). Follow the exit ramp to Medford Sq. At the blinker at the end of the ramp, turn left onto Main St. Follow Main St straight for .3 mile. Turn right onto George St. then left onto College Ave. Fields and parking on left. [top]
From the north Via Rtes 1, 3, or I-95 or I-93 to Rte 128 (I-95) south, to I-93 south to exit 32, Medford Sq. Proceed to the center of the square, turn left onto Main St. and refer to the above directions. [top]
From the west Take the Mass Turnpike to exit 14 (Weston). Then go south on I-95 (Rte 128) to exit 21B(Rte 16). Follow Rte 16 west through Wellesley center (Rte 16 bears right – Stay Straight) to the College entrance, opposite the golf course.[top]